fter finishing Gajini, actor Aamir Khan will shoot for the film Three Idiots to be directed by Raju Hirani of Munnabhai fame. This movie is based on Chetan Bhagat’s novel Five Point Someone about three IIT students and the problems they face while studying in the institute.
Kareena Kapoor, Sharman Joshi and R. Madhavan are also in the cast. The film also features 14-year-old school boy Rahul Kumar, who earlier worked in Vishal Bharadwaj’s Omkara and The Blue Umbrella. In Omkara, he played Saif Ali khan’s son.
The schedule is planned aiming at a September 2009 release.
After 11 year old Darsheel Safary its 14-year-old school boy Rahul Kumar's turn to stardom!! Yes as per the recent reports Rahul, a Class 8 student, has been offered a role in Aamir khan's forthcoming flick Three Idiots. And Rahul is extremely excited about this project. For him it was like a long time dream come true to work with perfectionist Aamir Khan. This is not Rahul's first feature film. He has also worked in Vishal Bharadwaj's Omkara and The Blue Umbrella. In Omkara, he played Saif Ali khan's son. Munnabhai fame director Raju Hirani will direct this film. Besides Aamir it also stars Sharman Joshi and R. Madhavan in leads. And for the very first time Bebo would be seen with Aamir. The movie is based on Chetan Bhagat's famous novel 'Five Point Someone' about three IIT students and the problems they face while studying in the institute.
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