Aamir Khan’s much awaited Ghajini will now release on 28th November. The date has been confirmed by the distributors Studio 18 putting an end to the speculation whether it will come on 3rd October or 12th December. Asin Thottumkal, famous south actress, will make her bollywood debut with Ghajini. Surprisingly, there are no yet Promos or Audio releases, but this is also said to be a marketing strategy to create the hype.
The same distributor will have Sanjay Ghadavi’s Kidnap as their October 3rd release, which stars Sanjay Dutt, Imran Khan, Vidya Malavade, Minnisha Lamba and Rahul Dev.
Ghajini is a remake of successful tamil flick, which starred Surya and Asin, which was a box office hit. The film is about Sanjay, M.D. of a Telecommunication multinational, who takes revenge against the murderers of his lover, Kalpana.
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